Explore more from FPRI’s research projects
FPRI’s Baltic Initiative was founded in 2016 to serve as a hub for analysis on defense and geopolitical issues of the Baltic Sea region, as well as the region’s role in European security, and implications for the United States.
The Baltic Initiative publishes monthly Baltic Bulletins by analysts from the Baltic States, Central Europe, and the US. The monthly Baltic Roundup newsletter, by Dr. Indra Ekmanis, features an overview of major political, cultural, and economic events in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
FPRI also produces the Baltic Ways podcast in partnership with the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. The podcast features monthly conversation with experts from the region on the past, present and future of the Baltic States — and the many ways these three countries impact the politics, history, and culture of the region and beyond. Learn more here.
The Bear Market Brief is a project of the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s (FPRI) Eurasia Program that brings you news about Russia’s economy, politics, business, and political risk environment. We’re a team dedicated to making Russia and Eurasia more accessible.
Bear Market Brief features a weekly newsletter and a monthly podcast that strives to be a resource for specialists, generalists, and anyone with an interest in the post-Soviet space. We provide a platform for analysis, particularly for emerging area experts and academics, and a space for even-handed, fact-based conversations in hopes of improving Russia/Eurasia analysis and coverage. Learn more here.
Launched in 2024, Behind the Front serves as a forum for analysis on the future of American and global security.
Featuring weekly analysis on topics such as the defense industrial base, lessons learned from ongoing conflicts, and challenges and opportunities in the technology and space sector, Behind the Front aims to share new thinking on security policy. Learn more here.
A project examining how NATO has shaped the transatlantic relationship and what challenges lie ahead. Learn more here.